IRS News

How extension filers – and everyone else – can get tax help fast | Internal Revenue Service
For people who haven’t filed their 2021 tax return yet, and for everyone looking for tax assistance, IRS gov has resources to help people file electronically, get personalized tax account info, and find the status of their refund. These online tools are available any time, so taxpayers can use them at their convenience.

For the first time, maximum educator expense deduction rises to $300 in 2022; limit $250 for those filing 2021 tax returns | Internal Revenue Service
For the first time ever, teachers and other educators will be able to deduct up to $300 of out-of-pocket classroom expenses when they file their tax returns in 2022.

Complaining About More IRS Funding Is Ultimately Crazy
You want someone chasing the wealthy deadbeats who want to stick everyone else with the bills.

Charlie Sheen Beats IRS, Slashes $7M Tax Bill To $3.3M
Sheen owed $5.7 million to the IRS, and offered to settle it for $1,240,000. When the IRS said no, he upped it to $3.1 million to cover three years. Then, the IRS started playing hard ball and Sheen went to Tax Court where he has just won saying the IRS abused its discretion.
Tax News

The IRS Deals A Blow To Inherited IRAs And This Could Be A Trap For Many
Inherited IRAs now need to take annual distributions in almost all cases, and the IRS imposes hefty penalties for those who don't.

The Reasons Why An IRS Agent Could Be Paying You A Visit
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will receive an $80 billion cash injection over the next decade, as part of the Inflation Reduction Act signed into law by President Joe Biden on Aug. 16. The significant boost in resources has many wondering what a beefed-up IRS could mean for Americans.
From The Desk of Keith L. Jones, CPA

10 Excellent IRS Taxpayer Bill Of Rights You Should Know
The IRS Taxpayer Bill of Rights codifies existing rights into fundamental rights, making them clearer, more intelligible, and more accessible to taxpayers.
The Taxpayer's Bill of Rights gives every taxpayer a set of fundamental rights they should know.
Your Taxpayer Bill of Rights codifies existing rights and makes them clearer, more understandable, and available to all taxpayers.
What does the Taxpayer Bill of Rights include?
1.The Right to Be Informed 2.The Right to Quality Service 3. Right to Pay No More than the Correct Amount of Tax 4. The Right to Challenge the IRS’s Position and Be Heard 5. The Right to Appeal an IRS Decision in an Independent Forum 6.The Right to Finality 7. The Right to Privacy 8. The Right to Confidentiality 9. The Right to Retain Representation 10. The Right to a Fair and Just Tax System