IRS News

IRS, Security Summit partners remind families to make online safety a priority during National Cybersecurity Month | Internal Revenue Service
The IRS today reminded families, teens and senior citizens about the continued importance of protecting personal and financial information online.

Guidance issued for LLCs seeking tax-exempt recognition
The IRS clarified the standards that an LLC must satisfy to obtain a determination letter that it is exempt from taxation under Sec. 501(c)(3).

NTA Blog: The IRS and Private Collection Agencies: Four Contracts Lapsed and Three New Ones Are in Place: What Does That Mean for Taxpayers? - Taxpayer Advocate Service
The IRS and Private Collection Agencies: Four Contracts Lapsed and Three New Ones Are in Place: What Does That Mean for Taxpayers?

Dear IRS: Sexual Abuse & PTSD Settlements Should Never Be Taxed
Sex abuse and legal settlements are common, and yet the way in which these recoveries are taxed remains cloudy. It seems shocking to think they could ever be taxed, but it can depend on the wording, IRS Forms 1099 and the evidence you have. Some people say that should change.

Who's Afraid Of Bank Reporting To IRS?
The big mystery to me is how this will find unreported income. I find it hard to believe that people who are not reporting income are depositing it in the bank. Isn't that what cash is for?

Taxpayer Advocate Service faced delays helping taxpayers with stimulus payments
The Internal Revenue Service’s Taxpayer Advocate Service helped thousands of taxpayers last year with economic impact payments under the CARES Act, but it took months to start addressing them, often with the wrong cases.

JofA 2021 Tax Software Survey Results Are In - Taxing Subjects
User reviews are an essential part of making any purchase. From ladles to laptops, our online shopping ritual includes scrolling down the page to read the typed comments under the star rating.

Equipping the workforce: Triumph Gulf Coast Board approves $11.5M grant for FSU PC's ASCENT project - Florida State University News
Today, the Board of Triumph Gulf Coast, Inc., approved an $11.5 million grant to provide partial funding to Florida State University Panama City’s Advancing Science and Career Education in New Technologies (ASCENT) project during a meeting in Crestview. “We are excited to partner with Triumph Gulf Coast to develop our regional workforce,” said Randy Hanna, […]
From The Desk of Keith L. Jones, CPA

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