6 key areas of paid tax preparer regulation highlighted in AICPA letter to Congress
The Biden administration says the IRS should be given the authority to regulate paid tax return preparers who are currently unregulated, and the AICPA offers its recommendations in six key areas.

IRS clarifies pandemic relief for dependent care assistance programs
Dependent care assistance program benefits carried over or available during an extended claims period under special temporary COVID-19 relief provisions retain their status as excludable from employees’ gross income and wages, the IRS explains in a notice.
IRS News

IRS Will Start Issuing Refunds on Unemployment Insurance Taxes—and These Taxpayers Will Get Theirs First
Taxpayers with the simplest tax returns will receive refunds on taxes paid on 2020 unemployment insurance benefits first.

Most Americans Have Just a Few Days Left to File 2020 Taxes. Here's What to Know
Individual tax returns for 2020 are due for most Americans on May 17. Taxpayers could face penalties and have to pay the IRS extra if they miss the deadline

Can’t Beat The Buzzer On Tax Day? 8 Key Points For Filing A Tax-Return Extension
Tax Day 2021 is May 17. If you can't file your federal tax return by then, you can get an extension of your filing due date, without any questions asked. However, you must understand the rules to avoid getting hit with IRS penalties.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk renews call for carbon tax
Tesla CEO Elon Musk renewed calls for a carbon tax Thursday, a suggestion he said was rejected by the Biden Administration because it was "politically difficult."

Do You Owe Taxes on Crypto? Stimulus Checks? Here Are the Answers to Common Tax Questions
For those who are running right up against the deadline, CNBC Make It has compiled its tax coverage and answered some of the most common questions.

Here's why using a savings account for a down payment on a house is a smart money move
Saving money for a down payment is a challenging step toward homeownership. Thankfully, a high-yield savings account can help you maximize your savings so you can reach your house down payment goal faster.