From The Desk of Keith L. Jones, CPA

About Unfiled Tax Return
An IRS non filer of taxes or Unfiled Tax Return is a serious offense and may cause you to accumulate IRS debt when your non filed tax returns are filed.
You create BIG tax problems when you are one of the many IRS non-filers and have unfiled or delinquent tax returns (don't submit your income tax returns with the IRS). People think that you need a tax attorney to solve your back taxes, but a tax professional like a CPA can help with your tax issues. It's not hard to get behind on your taxes and have a tax problem. Perhaps there was a death in the family or you suffered a serious illness.
Whatever the reason, once you haven't filed for several years, it can be tempting to continue letting it go. However, not filing taxes for 10 years or more exposes you to owing steep penalties and a potential prison term.